Conoted makes it much easier to do key tasks related to organizing knowledge, finding connections between notes, and finding experts. In this article, we’ll look at how Conoted saves time on these tasks, compare it to competitors, and break it down into minutes.

Reduced time spent creating tags


On other platforms like Notion or Evernote, creating tags takes an average of 15-20 seconds per note. This includes the process of thinking about, writing, and adding tags manually. Assuming a user creates 10 notes per day, the task of tagging alone takes about 3-4 minutes per day.


Conoted automates this process. The app suggests the most relevant tags in 5 seconds. This reduces the time spent on creating tags by about 75%, leaving the user with only about 50 seconds for the same 10 notes.

Increased Productivity:

If a user previously had to spend 3-4 minutes a day on tagging, then with Conoted this time is reduced to 50 seconds. As a result, the user saves about 14-18 minutes per week, which is about 1-1.5 hours per month.

Reduced Time on Finding Connections Between Notes


On other platforms, such as traditional text editors or note-taking apps, finding connections between notes can take 5 to 10 minutes per connection if you already have some idea of ​​which notes might be related. However, if you need to sift through many old notes to find connections, this process can take much longer. Additionally, when working with public notes, this process becomes almost impossible without a significant investment of time.


Conoted offers automatic note linking in 5 seconds. The system analyzes the content of notes and suggests possible links, eliminating the need for manual search.

Increased productivity:

Instead of spending 5-10 minutes searching and creating one link, with Conoted the user spends only 5 seconds. This means time savings from 4 minutes 55 seconds to 9 minutes 55 seconds per link. Assuming the user creates 5 such links per day, the time savings amount to up to 50 minutes per day, or about 4-5 hours per week.

Reduced time spent searching for experts


On traditional platforms and social networks, finding experts can take a significant amount of time, especially if you first need to find a database, then study expert profiles, and finally evaluate their expertise. This can take from several hours to several days, especially if you have to go through several cycles of evaluation and search for new specialists.


Conoted offers a system that automatically recommends experts on a specific topic in 5 seconds. An expert’s rating and usefulness are assessed based on their notes and activity on the platform, allowing the user to see the expert’s expertise at a glance.

Increased Productivity:

Instead of spending hours or days searching for experts, Conoted users can find and rate experts in 5 seconds. Assuming that traditional search can take an average of 2 hours, that’s a 99.93% time savings. The time savings can add up to several hours per day, depending on how often you search.

Reduced Time to Find the Right Ideas on a Topic


On other platforms, finding the right ideas often involves sifting through a lot of unrelated content, which can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. This process is made more difficult by the lack of quality search that takes into account the connections between notes and tags.


Conoted suggests ideas and notes on a topic in 5 seconds by analyzing the content and context of your notes, as well as public posts.

Increased productivity:

Reducing the time to find the right ideas from hours to seconds saves the user a significant amount of time. If the user previously spent 30 minutes searching for the necessary information, with Conoted this time is reduced to 5 seconds, which is equivalent to 99.97% time savings.

Overall conclusion: Calculation examples

In total, using Conoted allows you to save up to several hours a day on various tasks.

Calculation example:

Let's assume that the user spends daily:

- 3 minutes creating tags (now it's 50 seconds).

- 50 minutes finding connections between notes (now it's 25 seconds).

- 2 hours finding experts (now it's 5 seconds).

- 30 minutes to find the right ideas (now it’s 5 seconds).

Total time saved per day:

 - Previously, the user spent 3 hours 23 minutes on these tasks. With Conoted, this time is reduced to approximately 1 minute 30 seconds. This is a time saving of 3 hours 21 minutes each day, which is equivalent to an approximately 83% increase in productivity.

 - So, Conoted users are not only freed from routine tasks, but can also devote more time to creativity, deep analysis, and completing key tasks, which significantly increases their overall productivity.