Uniting experts on a topic into separate groups is a great idea for professional and educational interaction, which has long been implemented on platforms such as Facebook, Telegram, and WhatsApp. These services allow you to create interest groups where experts and participants can communicate, share experiences, ask questions, and give advice. However, as practice shows, such chats often suffer from a large volume of irrelevant messages, depriving the discussion of clarity and structure.

The advantage of the note format and structuring by the compass of ideas

The principle of uniting experts through structured notes, supplemented by the idea of ​​a compass, offers a solution devoid of the shortcomings of chats in messengers. In this approach, each expert can share knowledge through notes that are organized and interconnected:

1. Clarity and minimization of flooding: Unlike general chats, where it is easy to get distracted by extraneous conversations, the note format focuses on knowledge. Each note or topic is focused on a specific discussion, and users can select only those topics that match their current interests and needs.

2. Idea Compass for Context and Connection: The Idea Compass adds meaningful context to each note. Notes on a topic can be categorized based on various aspects:

  • North - the original concept or reason
  • West - similar or supporting ideas
  • South - subcategories and details
  • East - conflicting or alternative ideas

This allows experts and participants to quickly find the information they need, review concepts, and adjust their ideas.

3. Search and Navigation: By tagging and grouping notes by topic, finding the right content and experts is much easier. Unlike chats, where it is difficult to find specific messages, structured notes provide easy access to the information you need at the right time.

4. Evolve ideas and communities: Notes accumulate over time to create a knowledge base on a topic. Experts can see how ideas evolve, find common ground, and share experiences as groups evolve.

5. Comments in groups work too: In all messenger groups, important comments often get lost in the flow of messages. In our system, each comment becomes a note, will be tagged, and linked to other notes. This way, all important comments are saved as separate entries, rather than getting lost as they do in regular groups. This allows you to return to important comments, even after a while.