Our core values ​​are knowledge and people. We believe that knowledge is a powerful tool that helps people develop, make informed decisions, and create something new. However, at the core of all knowledge are always people — their experience, thoughts, ideas, and skills.

Emphasis on people, not AI

- Today, many projects actively use AI and have completely forgotten about people. Our goal is to combine knowledge and people. AI can help, but it is also possible without it.

- We are not against artificial intelligence (AI), on the contrary, we believe that AI can significantly help people in obtaining and structuring knowledge. AI can simplify the search for information, analyze data, and offer new ideas — all this helps a person find answers to their questions faster. It is similar to an improved Google search: the more precise the question, the more useful the result.

- However, despite all the possibilities of AI, we believe that people always remain in the center. AI can process data, but only humans can make sense of it, connect it to their personal experiences, and find creative solutions. Our goal is not to replace humans with AI, but to combine their capabilities to create a better future.

Connecting Knowledge and People

- Conoted is focused on interaction and connecting people around ideas and knowledge. We are creating a platform where everyone can contribute, share experiences, and receive feedback from others. Together we can do more: one person can know a lot, but a group of smart and motivated people is a force capable of generating new ideas and finding solutions that are not possible alone.

Our values ​​define the approach to the development and development of Conoted. We strive to:

1. Support human interaction: we create opportunities for communication, exchange of ideas, and collaboration. We believe that each person has unique knowledge that can be useful to others.

2. Use AI as an assistant, not as a replacement for people: the implementation of AI technologies is aimed at simplifying work with information and improving interaction between users. AI analyzes data and makes recommendations, but the decisions are always up to humans.

3. Build a knowledge community: Conoted brings together people who want to not just store information, but actively work with it, share it, and learn from each other. It is a platform for joint growth and development.


Conoted is not just a note-taking app, it is an ecosystem where knowledge and people work together. We believe that the future is about intelligent interaction, where technology serves as a tool for unlocking human potential. Our focus is on interaction and unification of knowledge and people.