Scenario: There are 50 students in a classroom listening to a lecture. The lecturer is using a projector to show slides and supplementary materials. All students are connected to the Conoted app via their laptops, tablets or smartphones.

Beginning of the lecture

The instructor begins the lecture by explaining the main concepts and topics to be covered. He also creates a note in Conoted with the main points of the lecture and makes it public so that students can refer to it at any time.

But it is possible to build a knowledge base without a teacher. The students themselves can organise it.

Creating and Sharing Notes

In Lecture:

    - Students create personal notes, recording important points of the lecture. Each student can immediately share their notes with classmates, allowing them to see what others are recording and add to their notes.

    - The instructor periodically adds key points to a shared note, to which students can add their notes (in the form of comments and questions)

Collective Intelligence and Information Linkage

1. Linking Notes:

    - Students can link their notes to those of the instructor and other students, creating a complex network of interconnected ideas. This helps them find unexpected connections between topics and deepen their understanding of the material.

    - The instructor encourages students to link their notes to previous lectures and additional materials available in Conoted to create a complete picture of the topic.

2. Tagging and searching:

    - The automatic tagging system helps structure information. Students can quickly find all notes on a particular topic or tag, which is especially useful when preparing for exams or writing coursework.

Feedback and Assessment.

Feedback collection:

    - The instructor can analyse student activity in Conoted: the number of notes, questions and links created. This provides an objective picture of how students are learning the material.

    - Based on this data, the instructor can adjust his/her lectures by allocating bigger time to difficult topics and answering the most frequently asked questions.

Psychological aspect: The Conoted app helps students who are shy to speak out loud to actively participate in the learning process through writing comments and questions. This creates a more inclusive and comfortable atmosphere for all students.