Modern US universities are increasingly paying attention to developing critical thinking in students. One of the key tools in this process has become the study and analysis of practical cases. During lectures, teachers encourage students to ask many questions, analyze the data received and develop their own conclusions. In this context, the Zettelkasten methodology becomes an indispensable tool that helps to structure thoughts, form new ideas and systematize knowledge.

Practical Cases and Critical Thinking

- Analysis of practical cases is a teaching method in which students are faced with real or simulated situations from various fields: business, law, medicine and other disciplines. This approach helps students develop analytical skills, teaches them to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and make informed decisions.

- However, the key aspect of successful case analysis is the ability to ask the right questions. Teachers encourage students to think critically, not to take information on faith, but to look for alternative solutions and approaches. Questions like "Why does this work?", "What are the other options?", "What happens if I change one of the conditions?" help develop the skill of deep analysis and reflection.

Zettelkasten: a tool for structuring knowledge

- The Zettelkasten methodology fits perfectly into this process. Originally developed by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann as a system of cards for recording ideas and notes, Zettelkasten helps to organize thoughts and create a system that actively stimulates critical thinking.

- In Zettelkasten, each idea or thought is written on a separate card (note). An important element of this methodology is that the notes do not exist in isolation, but are linked together by various associations, which resembles a network rather than a linear structure. This allows students not only to record information, but also to actively work with it, asking questions, finding connections between different concepts and forming new conclusions.

How Zettelkasten Helps in Case Studies

1. Structuring Information: When working on cases, students are faced with a large amount of data that needs to be structured. Zettelkasten allows students to break the information down into individual elements, making it easier to analyze and find key points.

2. Active Thinking: Writing down their own thoughts and questions in Zettelkasten encourages students to actively engage with the information rather than just passively absorb it. This helps them to gain a deeper understanding of the material and draw conclusions based on critical analysis.

3. Creating Connections: Thanks to the network structure, Zettelkasten helps students see connections between different aspects of the case. This can lead to unexpected discoveries and new ways of solving the problem.

4. Developing Analysis Skills: Zettelkasten teaches students to ask the right questions and look for answers to them. This process develops analytical thinking, which is extremely important when analyzing complex cases.

5. Generating new ideas: Working with Zettelkasten stimulates the generation of new ideas and concepts. This is especially useful for students who want to not only analyze, but also create something new based on the knowledge they have acquired.


The Zettelkasten methodology is an ideal tool for developing critical thinking, especially in the context of case studies at American universities. This system helps students structure knowledge, ask the right questions, form connections between different ideas, and create new concepts. As a result, students not only learn the material, but also learn to think critically, which is an essential skill in the modern world.